The Artist Tree

Cannabis Dispensary + Art Curation

Creating a design language for the future of cannabis. The Artist Tree tapped the office’s Interior Design team to strategize a holistic design that could be utilized as a prototype for the company’s existing properties and future locations.

Client: Artist Tree
Role: Designer

Cannabis, community and art.

Inspired by the ingenuity within the artist community, we developed a design narrative that took an art-forward approach, exploring the relationship between creativity and cannabis.

The design showcases cannabis products in the context of a curated gallery space, integrating opportunities within the design to display original pieces from local artists, deliberately pairing cannabis inspired artwork with cannabis product display.

Art and the retail display become a backdrop for the story of the cannabis growing process. With the Cultivation Cube, a centrally located glass jewel box displaying young plants, serves as the backdrop for the store’s arrival experience.

Reinforcing The Artist Tree’s dedication to supporting the artist community, RDC’s innovative design elevates the experience of viewing art and cannabis products within a creatively experiential environment.




Marina Beach